Results for 'A. Benda Hofmeyr'

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  1.  18
    The feasibility of resistance in the workplace: A critical investigation.A. Benda Hofmeyr - 2021 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 21 (1).
    ABSTRACT In this article, I undertake a critical interrogation of the complex relations of control operating in the contemporary workplace of the knowledge worker by drawing on Foucault’s theorisation of power and resistance. I plot the risks to which the knowledge worker are exposed, the conditions of possibility as well as the challenges that complicate productive resistance in the workplace. In the process, I make use of an array of existing scholarly research that utilises the Foucauldian framework of the relationality (...)
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    Foucault and Governmentality: Living to Work in the Age of Control.Benda Hofmeyr - 2000 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Drawing upon political philosophy and political economy, Benda Hofmeyr presents a Foucaultian analysis and historical contextualisation of the rise of neo-liberal governmentality. Historical, sociological and cultural studies help excavate the geneaology of the capitalist subject within the neo-liberal governmental context of the last four decades.
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    The contemporary pertinence of the Later Foucault. Have his strategies in resistance stood the test of time?Benda Hofmeyr - 2008 - South African Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):104-117.
    What happened during the fairly long silence following The History of Sexuality? … had he [Foucault] not trapped himself within the concept of power relations?’ asks Deleuze. According to him, Foucault would have answered ‘that power does not take life as its objective without revealing or giving rise to a life that resists power’ . The object of this essay is to assess what happens ‘if the transversal relations of resistance continue to become restratified’. When the long silence was finally (...)
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    Radical passivity: rethinking ethical agency in Levinas.Benda Hofmeyr (ed.) - 2009 - London: Springer.
    In addition, this volume offers us a much needed critical revaluation of key issues in Levinas's thought which are, more often than not, uncritically ...
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  5. The power not to be (what we are): The politics and ethics of self-creation in Foucault.Benda Hofmeyr - 2006 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 3 (2):215-230.
    on ethics provides an opportunity to go beyond some of the controversies generated by his work of the 1970s. It was thought, for example, that Foucault had overstated the extent to which individuals could be ‘subjected’ to the influence of power, leaving them little room to resist. This paper will consider the ‘politics’ of self-creation. We shall attempt to establish to what extent Foucault’s later notion of self-formation does in fact succeed in countering an over determination by power. In the (...)
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    Neoliberal governmentality, knowledge work, and thumos.Benda Hofmeyr - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Economics Volume XIV Issue-2 (Articles).
    Research has shown that the knowledge worker, the decisive driver of the knowledge economy, works increasingly longer hours. In fact, it would appear that instead of working to live, they live to work. There appears to be three reasons for this living-to-work development. First, the knowledge worker ‘has to’ on account of the pressure to become ever more efficient. Such pressure translates into internalized coercion in the case of the self-responsible knowledge worker. Secondly, working is constant, because the Internet and (...)
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    Levinas, Nancy, and the Being of Plurality.Mark Kourie & Benda Hofmeyr - 2016 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 17 (2):175-188.
    This essay critically considers the differences and complementarities between Emmanuel Levinas’s and Jean-Luc Nancy’s respective accounts of ontology and ethics. A comparative reading reveals that while both insist upon a relational conceptualization of subjectivity, they base relationality on differing notions of alterity. The simultaneous proximity and distance between these two thinkers’ respective transphenomological quests yield critical force that enables a mutual critique, while opening up productive avenues for overcoming some of the problems inherent to their views.
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    Levinas and the Possibility of Dialogue with “Strangers”.Benda Hofmeyr - 2016 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 47 (2):174-189.
  9.  28
    The Challenge that War Poses to Levinas's Thought.Benda Hofmeyr - 2024 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 25 (1).
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    Bert Olivier, Why Nothing Seems to Matter Any More.Benda Hofmeyr - 2022 - de Uil Van Minerva 35 (1).
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    Originalism.Willem B. Drees & Benda Hofmeyr - 2009 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 49 (2):42-45.
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    Theorie Et Pratique Politiques a la Renaissance.M. Ballesteros, K. Benda, A. Jouanna, J. Lefebvre, J. -F. Marquet, J. Marquet & M. Mcgowan - 2012 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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    Themeta-physics of Foucault’s ethics: Succeeding where Levinas fails.A. B. Hofmeyr - 2006 - South African Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):113-125.
    This essay aims to critically assess the later Foucault's ethical turn by using Levinas's ethical metaphysics as critical yardstick. Foucault's notion of ethical subjectivity constitutes a site of resistance against externally imposed subjugating subject identities. Apart from a practice of freedom, Foucault also insists that it engenders the subject with a generous responsiveness towards others. Despite Foucault's other-aspirations, it seems probable that care of the self would fall short ethically when compared to Levinas's insistence upon an unconditional openness towards the (...)
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    Knowledge work compulsion: The neoliberal mediation of working existence in the network society.A. B. Hofmeyr - 2023 - South African Journal of Philosophy 42 (4):287-300.
    This contribution seeks to understand the pervasive phenomenon of work compulsion among knowledge workers in our present network society. Knowledge workers not only have to work all the time from anywhere, but they also appear to want to. This study argues that this curious phenomenon may be attributed to the thumotic satisfaction that knowledge work generates. What is more, the neoliberal theory of human capital has found a way to harness thumotic satisfaction to the profit incentive, and has created arguably (...)
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    Lettres à Mélisande.Julien Benda - 1925 - Paris,: "Le Livre".
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  16. A formal construction of the spacetime manifold.Thomas Benda - 2008 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 37 (5):441 - 478.
    The spacetime manifold, the stage on which physics is played, is constructed ab initio in a formal program that resembles the logicist reconstruction of mathematics. Zermelo’s set theory extended by urelemente serves as a framework, to which physically interpretable proper axioms are added. From this basis, a topology and subsequently a Hausdorff manifold are readily constructed which bear the properties of the known spacetime manifold. The present approach takes worldlines rather than spacetime points to be primitive, having them represented by (...)
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  17. Věda, politika a problém dvou kultur: příspěvek k vnějším dějinám vzniku sociologie vědeckého poznání.Libor Benda - 2014 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 36 (2):181-209.
    Tématem studie je dosud neprobádaná oblast vnějších dějin vzniku sociologie vědeckého poznání. Jejím záměrem je analýza vnějších faktorů, které se podílely na vzniku této disciplíny, a to za účelem nalezení odpovědi na otázku, proč vznikla právě v sedmdesátých letech minulého století na Oddělení pro studium vědy při Edinburské univerzitě a právě v podobě tzv. silného programu sociologie vědění. Skrze postavu zakladatele edinburského Oddělení pro studium vědy C. H. Waddingtona se studie zaměřuje konkrétně na dvě epizody, a to na vznik politicky (...)
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  18. Team agency and conditional games.Andre Hofmeyr & Don Ross - 2019 - In Michiru Nagatsu & Attilia Ruzzene (eds.), Contemporary Philosophy and Social Science: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    We consider motivations for acknowledging that people participate in multiple levels of economic agency. One of these levels is characterized in terms of subjective utility to the individual; another, frequently observed, level is characterized in terms of utility to social groups with which people identify. Following Bacharach, we describe such groups as ‘teams’. We review Bacharach’s theory of such identification in his account of ‘team reasoning’. While this conceptualization is useful, it applies only to processes supported by deliberation. As this (...)
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    An axiomatic foundation of relativistic spacetime.Thomas Benda - 2015 - Synthese 192 (7):1-16.
    An ab-initio foundation for relativistic spacetime is given, which is a conservative extension of Zermelo’s set theory with urelemente. Primitive entities are worldlines rather than spacetime points. Spacetime points are sets of intersecting worldlines. By the proper axioms, they form a manifold. Entities known in differential geometry, up to a metric, are defined and have the usual properties. A set-realistic point of view is adopted. The intended ontology is a set-theoretical hierarchy with a broad base of the empty set and (...)
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  20. Experti a laici v demokratické společnosti: tři pohledy na problematiku demokratizace vědy.Libor Benda - 2015 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 37 (1):3-28.
    Studie věnuje pozornost problematice demokratizace vědy, v jejímž rámci zaujímá klíčové postavení otázka, v jaké míře a zda vůbec má mít široká veřejnost možnost zasahovat do vědní a výzkumné politiky a participovat na rozhodování v odborných záležitostech. První část studie je věnována představení dvou radikálně odlišných a vzájemně protichůdných pohledů na tuto problematiku, které byly rozpracovány v rámci poválečné filosofie vědy v dílech Michaela Polanyiho a Paula Feyerabenda a v různých podobách spolu soupeří dodnes. Tyto dva pohledy, jež nás staví (...)
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    Non-individuals and Quasi-set Theory.Thomas Benda - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 19:3-10.
    Quasi-set theory by S. French and D. Krause has been so far the most promising attempt of a formal theory of non-individuals. However, due to its sharp bivalent truth valuations, maximally fine-grained binary relations are readily found, in which members of equivalence classes are substitutable for each other in formulas salva veritate. Hence its mentioning and non-mentioning of individuals differs from existing set theory with defined identity merely by the range of nominal definitions. On a semantic level, quasi-set theory does (...)
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  22. Historiografická metoda Thomase Kuhna a její význam z hlediska sociologie vědeckého poznání.Libor Benda - 2011 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 33 (3):445-468.
    Význam Thomase Kuhna z hlediska jeho vlivu na další vývoj představ o povaze vědy a konkrétně na vznik tzv. sociologie vědeckého poznání bývá dnes běžně spojován s jeho Strukturou vědeckých revolucí, zatímco jeho starším historickým pracím je v tomto ohledu jen zřídkakdy věnována pozornost. Příspěvek analyzuje právě tyto práce a pokouší se charakterizovat základní metodologické rysy Kuhnova přístupu k dějinám vědy, který je v nich uplatňován. Prostřednictvím jejich porovnání s metodologickými východisky rané sociologie vědeckého poznání se snaží zjistit, nakolik lze (...)
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    Willpower without risk?Andre Hofmeyr - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    Ainslie does not formally incorporate risk and uncertainty in his framework for modelling impulses and willpower. To provide a complete account of the motivational bases of choice behaviour, Ainslie should extend his framework to incorporate risk attitudes and subjective beliefs.
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    Radical passivity: Ethical problem of solution? A preliminary investigation.B. Hofmeyr - 2007 - South African Journal of Philosophy 26 (2):150-162.
    In our present-day Western society, there has been an increasing tendency towards individualism and indifference and away from altruism and empathy. This has led to a resurgence of ethical concerns in contemporary Continental philosophy. Following the thinking of philosophers such as Emmanuel Levinas, ethics has come to be defined in terms of a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others. Levinas claims that taking care of others in need is not a free, rational decision, but a fundamental responsibility (...)
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  25. Přezkoumání oprávněnosti Kuhnovy kritiky silného programu sociologie vědění.Libor Benda - 2012 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 34 (2):201-225.
    Thomas Kuhn ve svých pozdějších pracích ostře napadá tzv. silný program sociologie vědění a důsledně se vůči němu vymezuje. Tato skutečnost je zajímavá z toho důvodu, že představitelé silného programu se naopak ke Kuhnovi otevřeně hlásí a vydatně čerpají z jeho díla, neboť v něm spatřují řadu klíčových myšlenek, které implikují možnost sociologické analýzy vědeckého poznání. Cílem této studie je kriticky přezkoumat Kuhnovu kritiku silného programu a zhodnotit její oprávněnost. V první části je za tímto účelem nejprve rekonstruováno Kuhnovo pojetí (...)
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    On the Relationship between the Natural Sciences and the Humanities: Brockman's Concept of the "Third Culture" and its Criticism.Libor Benda - 2015 - E-Logos 22 (2):19-29.
    Předmětem této studie je analýza jednoho z aktuálně předkládaných řešení tzv. problému dvou kultur, který roku 1959 formuloval Charles Percy Snow, a to tzv. třetí kultuře, kterou v polovině devadesátých let ve stejnojmenné práci představil John Brockman. Mým záměrem zde bude kriticky zhodnotit Brockmanovo pojetí "třetí kultury" a předložit argumenty ve prospěch tvrzení, že v souvislosti s ním ve skutečnosti nelze hovořit o řešení problému dvou kultur, ale jedná se naopak o názorný doklad přetrvávající existence a aktuálnosti tohoto problému. Pro (...)
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  27. Věda jako „forma života“: kritérium demarkace jako praktický problém.Libor Benda - 2015 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 37 (4):429-452.
    Larry Laudan v článku z roku 1983 označil problém demarkace, tj. rozlišení „vědy" a „pseudovědy", za filosofický pseudoproblém, kterým není třeba se zabývat, a slova „vědecké" a „pseudovědecké" za prázdné pojmy, které můžeme z našeho slovníku zcela vyškrtnout. V předkládané studii zpochybňuji toto Laudanovo stanovisko a předkládám argumenty ve prospěch tvrzení, že 1) rozlišení vědy a pseudovědy představuje důležitý a aktuální problém, kterým je třeba se zabývat, a že 2) možný způsob řešení tohoto problému nabízejí současná sociální studia vědy. Jejich (...)
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    The Wal-Mart Phenomenon: Resisting Neo-Liberal Power, Through Art, Design and Theory , edited by Benda Hofmeyr.Gerhard Schoeman - 2010 - Philosophical Papers 39 (1):146-154.
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    De quelques constantes de l'esprit humain.Julien Benda - 1950 - [Paris]: Gallimard.
    "Le présent ouvrage est né de l'examen d'un dictat dont on peut dire qu'il constitue aujourd'hui un véritable article de foi, en ce sens qu'on ne le discute même pas, auprès du monde moderne, philosophique comme séculier ; à savoir que 'tout est dans le devenir'. Il est apparu à l'auteur que, contrairement à ce dogme, il existe dans l'esprit humain certains comportements qui, derrière l'infinie diversité de leurs manifestations, demeurent les mêmes depuis que nous avons des documents sur cet (...)
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    [Réponse à M. L. Dugas].Julien Benda - 1928 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 35 (4):599 - 601.
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    Gerald John Pillay’s prophetic role in the South African and New Zealand contexts.Johannes W. Hofmeyr - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (1).
    In this article, the question in focus is the church and Christianity’s prophetic responsibility towards society, and how in the specific case of the South African-born theologian Gerald John Pillay, his prophetic voice should be characterised. The question is addressed as to whether he was an activist at the barricades or a soft-spoken intellectual in his views on society. After a brief discussion on his bio, the focus is on the phenomenon of being a prophet towards society. Then, the focus, (...)
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    Is the “Histone Code” an Organic Code?Stefan Kühn & Jan-Hendrik S. Hofmeyr - 2014 - Biosemiotics 7 (2):203-222.
    Post-translational histone modifications and their biological effects have been described as a ‘histone code’. Independently, Barbieri used the term ‘organic code’ to describe biological codes in addition to the genetic code. He also provided the defining criteria for an organic code, but to date the histone code has not been tested against these criteria. This paper therefore investigates whether the histone code is a bona fide organic code. After introducing the use of the term ‘code’ in biology, the criteria a (...)
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  33. Lethal management of elephants.R. Slotow, I. Whyte, Markus Hofmeyr, G. H. I. Kerley, T. Conway & R. J. Scholes - 2008 - In R. J. Scholes & K. G. Mennell (eds.), Elephant Management: A scientific assessment for South Africa. Wits University Press.
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    Systems Biology: Philosophical Foundations.Fred C. Boogerd, Frank J. Bruggeman, Jan-Hendrik S. Hofmeyr & Hans V. Westerhoff (eds.) - 2007 - Boston: Elsevier.
    Systems biology is a vigorous and expanding discipline, in many ways a successor to genomics and perhaps unprecendented in its combination of biology with a ...
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    Enkele Aantekeninge by die Teologies-Godsdienstige gedagtes van Sendeling S.J.G. Hofmeyr 1839-1905.A. D. Pont - 1959 - HTS Theological Studies 14 (4).
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    Julien Benda sous l'occupation : la démocratie à l'épreuve.Gérard Malkassian - 2002 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 3 (3):333-343.
    Soumis aux conditions difficiles que lui impose l’Occupation, Julien Benda exprime dans La Grande Épreuve des démocraties une foi lucide en la démocratie, fondée sur un bilan critique du combat antifasciste. Appelant les Européens à privilégier dans leur passé les éléments d’une tradition républicaine d’inspiration libérale et sociale, il remet en cause la relative indifférence qu’il a longtemps entretenue, dans l’esprit de La trahison des clercs, à l’égard des systèmes politiques et de l’espoir de promouvoir la justice dans les (...)
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    Réponse a M. Julien Benda.L. Dugas - 1929 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 36 (1):145 - 150.
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    Julien Benda’s Anti-Passionate Europe.Jan-Werner Müller - 2006 - European Journal of Political Theory 5 (2):125-137.
    In the early 1930s, Julien Benda provided one of the most uncompromising visions for a united Europe. In line with his rationalist universalism, Benda sought a continent that was cleansed of passion and particularism, and called on European intellectuals to act as a rationalist vanguard in constructing such a Europe. However, Benda fatefully wavered between polity-building strategies of reshaping and redirection. For the most part, Benda seemed to demand nothing less than a comprehensive reshaping of the (...)
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    Julien Benda’s political Europe and the treason of intellectuals.Davide Cadeddu - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (4):708-721.
    Whenever the problem of the relationship between culture and politics is addressed, Julien Benda undoubtedly remains the most frequently mentioned author at the international level. His indictment of the intellectuals’ betrayal is as famous as his speeches to the European nation, published in 1933, about five years later than his widely diffused La Trahison des clercs. Throughout the Discours à la nation européenne, the author explicitly addresses the intellectuals already mentioned in his previous essay and asks them to assume (...)
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    Byzantinism and Rationality: Julien Benda and Constantine Tsatsos.George Arabatzis - 2017 - Peitho 8 (1):423-446.
    This article examines the concept of Byzantinism that Julien Benda employed in his book La France Byzantine. In the fin-de-siècle European sensibility, Byzantinism was transferred from political to literary level, but Benda created an epistemological break when he asserted in his book that Byzantinism is literature in its normal function. Furthermore, of Byzantinist character is especially the modern literature. Thus, labeling modern literati as Byzantinist writers served as a critical tool for Benda, who condemned the degradation of (...)
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    Les lois de l'esprit: Julien Benda ou la raison.Pascal Engel - 2012 - Paris: Ithaque.
    La voix de Julien Brenda (1867-1956) nous est devenue inaudible. Quand l'auteur de la Trahison des clercs accuse ses pairs de se détourner des valeurs éternelles, nous n'y voyons qu'un appel à revenir à la tour d'ivoire. Quand l'une des gloires de la NRF, contemporain de Gide et de Valéry, voue ceux-ci aux gémonies et accuse toute la littérature de son époque de byzantinisme, nous avons du mal à le prendre au sérieux. Dans son culte de la vérité en politique (...)
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    O estatuto e o papel do intelectual em Benda e Sartre.Renato Belo - 2023 - Griot 23 (3):194-211.
    Esse artigo pretende explorar os temas do estatuto e da função do intelectual em dois autores significativos para a questão a partir do século XX: Julien Benda e Jean-Paul Sartre. Trata-se de revisitar as noções de autonomia e engajamento, fundamentais para uma compreensão comparativa entre os dois autores. O texto procura caracterizar de forma ampla o tipo de intelectual defendido por Benda no mesmo passo em que procura evidenciar a gênese e as condições de aparecimento do intelectual para (...)
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    Europe as a nation? Intellectuals and debate on Europe in the inter-war period.Paola Cattani - 2017 - History of European Ideas 43 (6):674-682.
    ABSTRACTIn 1933, a number of European intellectuals among whom Paul Valéry, Johan Huizinga, Julien Benda, Hermann von Keyserling, met in Madrid and in Paris to discuss the identity and history of Europe under the initiative of the International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. During the symposia, the participants try to define a common European narrative beyond national differences, and some of them evoke the idea of a European ‘homeland’ or ‘nation’, as already advocated in those (...)
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    La subjetividad en Kant y Levinas: autonomía y pasividad frente a la alteridad.David Martínez Rojas - 2020 - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia 1 (50):85-96.
    El artículo analiza la noción de subjetividad de Levinas y se examinan sus posibles vínculos con la noción desarrollada por Kant, entendida esta última como una visión ejemplar de la explicación moderna sobre la subjetividad. Se discute la posición de Hofmeyr, quien argumenta que hubo un cambio paradigmático entre un “Levinas temprano” centrado en la libertad de tipo kantiana, y un “Levinas posterior” centrado en la pasividad y que trasciende a Kant. El artículo muestra que la subjetividad en Levinas (...)
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    Les formes partagées des affects olfactifs : des proto-affects aux affects représentationnels.Joël Candau - 2010 - Noesis 16 (16):129-154.
    « A purely disembodied human emotion is a nonentity »William James, « What is an Emotion? », Mind, 9, 1884, p. 194 « La passion de l’individu s’avive de se sentir ainsi attenante à des milliers de passions semblables à elle »Julien Benda, La Trahison des clercs, Paris, Grasset, 1975, p. 108 Nous, êtres humains, pouvons-nous partager des affects et, dans l’affirmative, comment? Voilà une double question qui intéresse non seulement l’anthropologie – qui a pour objet d’étude les formes (...)
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  46. Gandhi’s Many Influences and Collaborators.Gail Presbey - 2015 - Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 35 (2):360-69.
    In Gandhi's Printing Press, Isabel Hofmeyr introduces readers to the nuances of the newspaper in a far-flung colony in the age when mail and news traveled by ship and when readers were encouraged by Gandhi to read slowly and deeply. This article explores the ways in which Thoreau's concept of slow reading influenced Gandhi and Hofmeyr herself. She discusses the community that surrounded Gandhi and the role it played in supporting the newspaper. Yet, I argue, the role of (...)
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    Disposisi Dan Keniscayaan Sebagai Modalitas Hukum Alam.Martin Suryajaya - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 12 (1):1-31.
    A debate is growing today about the ontological status of disposition in relation to the modality of natural law. This debate arose after the failure of Humean actualism to explain the basis of causality. Categoricalism tries to overcome the weaknesses of actualism by restoring the concept of disposition that is reduced to a set of categorical properties. Through such a move, categoricalism hopes to explain the basis of the disposition and yet fails to guarantee the necessity of natural law. Another (...)
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    Beautiful/Ugly: African and Diaspora Aesthetics.Sarah Nuttall (ed.) - 2006 - The Hague: Duke University Press.
    In Cameroon, a monumental “statue of liberty” is made from scrap metal. In Congo, a thriving popular music incorporates piercing screams and carnal dances. When these and other instantiations of the aesthetics of Africa and its diasporas are taken into account, how are ideas of beauty reconfigured? Scholars and artists take up that question in this invigorating, lavishly illustrated collection, which includes more than one hundred color images. Exploring sculpture, music, fiction, food, photography, fashion, and urban design, the contributors engage (...)
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    African and diaspora aesthetics.Sarah Nuttall (ed.) - 2006 - The Hague: Prince Claus Fund Library.
    In Cameroon, a monumental "statue of liberty" is made from scrap metal. In Congo, a thriving popular music incorporates piercing screams and carnal dances. When these and other instantiations of the aesthetics of Africa and its diasporas are taken into account, how are ideas of beauty reconfigured? Scholars and artists take up that question in this invigorating, lavishly illustrated collection, which includes more than one hundred color images. Exploring sculpture, music, fiction, food, photography, fashion, and urban design, the contributors engage (...)
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    Kant: une passion française 1795-1940.Laurent Fedi - 2018 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.
    Kant en France n'est pas seulement un phénomène de réception: c'est l'histoire même de la philosophie française depuis le début du XIXe siècle. Et pourtant, quoi qu'on ait prétendu à ce sujet, il n'a jamais existé de néo-kantisme français. Cousin, Renouvier, Lachelier, Boutroux, Brunschvicg, Benda n'ont pas la même vision du kantisme. La manière dont ils s'approprient cette référence permet de tracer entre eux tantôt des points de rencontre, tantôt des lignes de clivages et d'opposition. Leur rapport à Kant (...)
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